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Data visualization

Data collection

The basis for gathering relevant information is the so-called basic data set, which can be extracted through a thorough analysis.

Classification of data

The next step is to classify the collected basic data into different classification classes based on the defined criteria to provide a reliable structure.

Data transformation

After transforming the evaluated basic data, we get a significant and scalable insight into business processes.

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Access to results

Allows access to data analysis on mobile devices or user-defined applications.

Dashboards can be created to track the development of corporate KPIs. An immediate response to changes in trade can be provided, allowing competitors to be tracked effectively.

Company level reports
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No unnecessary information, time-consuming work methods, duplicate processes or costly solutions.


The time spent on reaching the right customers is reduced, and based on the collected data, they always get the right offers. Significant cost savings can also be achieved in handling POS marketing materials.

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Creating custom reports

Providing custom reports allows for the expressive display of relevant information in a wide variety of formats and data content


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